Morrill Hall is open, however our third floor remains closed for renovations.
Guests can enjoy the newly renovated 1st and 2nd floors, as well as Cherish Nebraska on our 4th floor.

Science & Culture | Vertebrate Paleontology

Vertebrate Paleontology

Research Links


Curator: Ash Poust
Curator & Associate Professor: Ross Secord
Collection Manager: George Corner
Chief Preparator: Carrie Herbel

Highway Paleontologist: Shane Tucker
Highway Preparator: Jeremy McMullin

Emeritus Curator & Professor: Robert M. Hunt Jr.
Emeritus Curator & Professor: Mike Voorhies

Visiting Researchers: Please email the Collection Manager or Curator to arrange a time for your visit.

Vertebrate Paleontology Phone: 402-472-2657

The Collection

The Museum's vertebrate paleontology collection is one of the largest university collections in the United States with over 1.5 million specimens. The Nebraska fossil record covering the last 35 million years is especially strong in documenting the history of North America.